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Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Sabbatical Success
As some of you are aware, I began a 10 week sabbatical on June 1. I am working on several projects which include

1. To reestablish deep ties with my wife and children.
2. The establishment of the plan for a seminary for worship leaders.
3. The establishment of a plan for a Healing Academy practicum-like experience on our Kentucky Campus.
4. To compose into words the vision and theology of worship the Lord has been revealing to me these past six years.
5. To collect 40 of what I consider to be my best poems for a collection entitled "40" in celebration of my 40th year of life.

As I was praying a few weeks ago in preparation for this time, the following words pictures came into my mind and heart as ways of focusing my prayers.

--Unforced rhythms of grace
--Table set before me (in the presence of my enemies)
--Springs of Living Water
--Transfigured Words on Tablets
--Mercy Dancing

So as the Spirit leads, please join me in these prayers, remembering with me the words of Jesus when he said, "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you may ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15)

And thank you.
posted by John David Walt | at 6/06/2006 11:21:00 AM



Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 is the most important
#3 - google "healing rooms", we have it here at SHUMC and it is most powerful.
#5 - see my last post on "pentecost" for encouragement.

table set before you....what is it that God has for you right now..do that, be that, enjoy that.

springs....flowing, lots of flowing, in everything

mercy dancing...arresting image, but still out of focus...what would it look like? sound like? feel like?

I envy you the sabbatical, maybe I'll get to have one in a few years!

1:45 PM EDT  
Blogger John David Walt said...

thanks jonathan-- treasure your prayers very much. appreciate your engagement with me in the comment.

2:24 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

i'm so excited for you and what you're going to experience during this time. and all of your projects are so intriguing. the seminary for worship leaders sounds like an AWESOME concept, i would love to talk to you about that sometime. and i can't wait to read your poetry collection! i am always blessed by your poetry posts. sooo cool! count me in for praying for you (not like i wouldn't anyway) during this time. :-)

7:35 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will do, John David.

Love the simple but fitting title for your collection of poetry. Look forward to its coming out. :-)

And what you received in prayer sounds deep, as if saturated with revelation. Keep calling it out.

Standing with you.

7:54 PM EDT  
Blogger mattmaher said...

Number 4's already happening, John David. You've been doing it...i've been humbled to witness it birthed out of your heart and corresponding mouth...may it continue...

8:21 PM EDT  
Blogger Rob Mehner said...

i'm in jeremiah david. may you hear the whisper that houses His presence my friend.

i'm praying for you, your family and your sabbatical with the life-infuser. breathe him in

7:30 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to #4 & #5...here is a little story for you.

I went to visit "the" Gene Simmons in the hospital the other day, he's dying from cancer. Turns out this guy use to open for Elvis and was a big rockabilly star. He told me how Gene Simmons from Kiss picked up the name because he read an article in Rolling Stone that had Gene's name in it. Today, the two are friends.

Over the past 20 years Gene has been writing country songs for Nashville. His most famous hit was "Indian Outlaw" by Tim McGraw. He told me that the record producers didn't want Tim to put the song on his CD but Tim said he would not make a record if they did not include it. Turned out to be Tim's first hit.

Shows you what happens when you listen to "the experts" sometimes.

12:30 PM EDT  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

JD: I think compiling 40 poems is an excellent idea. I prayed for you, as well.

3:58 PM EDT  

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