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Monday, October 24, 2005
new poem
I've been working on a poem for a couple of years whose time has come to release. find it here.

I wrestled with titles for the poem--- Creation Healed OR Perfect Week OR Shalom Zone. Anyhow-- you'll get the point. It's a bit of a "spoken word" poem so won't have the same effect if you are reading as if you were hearing it in my best M & M voice. ;-)

are any of you people out there into poetry? all the poets in the house say ye-ah.

tune in tomorrow when I will try and share some of my interactions with Henri Nouwen (not actually Henri bc/ he's dead, but one of his early lesser known books entitled "The Living Reminder). Later in the week I want to steer you to a friend's new blog dedicated almost exclusively to Fletch quotes. its a winner. bfn. (that's short for "bye for now."
posted by John David Walt | at 10/24/2005 11:19:00 PM



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading more on your blog. Nice pics and the new House looks BIG!

12:09 PM EDT  

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